Steele Blog

A Better Knowledge Base

A lot of people are looking for a note taking application that merges a lifelong knowledge base with wiki-like linking features. There are many competing alternatives to consider, here are a few I've seriously considered.

name WYSIWYG backlinking local file-based? self hostable price limitations
Roam Research yes yes [[link]] no no no TBD (~20/mo?) everything is a bullet point
BoostNote no ??? yes no (on roadmap) yes free ???

What I think most of these are mising is a connection between the context of where a though came from/was inspired by and the text/images/video that the user generated off that context. This is why I think Xanadu-like linking (see this demo) is one way a new competitor could differentiate themselves from the other knowledge bases.

Xanadu Document Linking UI

Tech that might help:

A few notes on requirements (sourced primarily from Hacker News):